Picture of A2.4/A2.1 COMBO A2.4:2020 BOOK AND A2.1:2020-WC & DC CHARTS

A2.4/A2.1 COMBO A2.4:2020 BOOK AND A2.1:2020-WC & DC CHARTS

Member Price: $192.00

Non-Member Price: $256.00

Purchase this complete set for a savings of 15%. This standard establishes a method of specifying certain welding, brazing, and nondestructive examination information by means of symbols. Detailed information and examples are provided for the construction and interpretation of these symbols. This system provides a means of specifying welding or brazing operations and nondestructive examination, as well as the examination method, frequency, and extent. Also Includes:

Easy-to-read desk and wall charts to complement AWS A2.4-2020, Standard Symbols for Welding, Brazing, and Nondestructive Examination. For desktop, drafting table, shop, or classroom use. Wall chart (WC) 22" x 28", desk chart (DC) 11" x 17", (2020).

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